Resource Health
  • 15 Nov 2023
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Resource Health

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Article summary

WISdom is a Workload analysis tool. Resource Health Scores simplify the process of identifying resource pressure on CPU, Memory, Storage or Contention for Windows Servers and SQL Server Instances.


Advanced analytics and algorithms are used to categorize and identify resource pressure on CPU, Memory, Storage or Contention for Windows Servers and SQL Server instances. The following cards are used to display data on the health and capacity of a server or application resource at any time:

  • Host Health
  • Database Health
  • Resource Health

Impact on performance (load) can be analyzed based on increases or decreases in the workload. Resources being consumed within the database systems are tracked, as follows:
Resource Categories

  • CPU includes Capacity, Code Optimization, Scheduling, and Database Configuration.
  • Memory includes Capacity, Server Configuration, Database Optimization, and Database Configuration.
  • Storage includes Capacity, Database Optimization, and Code Optimization.
  • Contention includes review and resolve of Blocking and Deadlocks.

Use the drop-down filters to focus the data displayed by Environment and Instance. Double-click the selection to exclude specific filters (displays an “X” in the drop-down). Resource information is updated to reflect the filters selected. Click the RESET button to clear the filters.

  • For additional data filters, Slicers are provided. See the Slicers section for more information on focusing the data in the displays.


To filter the data in the dashboard displays, click the Slicer icon [ ///] to the right of the Overall Performance card. Selections made in the Slicers are reflected in the Filters drop-downs at the top of the screen. The Slicer panel includes filters for:
Host by Breakout
This slicer displays a sortable list of all Hosts by Host Breakouts in descending order.
Instances by Breakout
This slicer displays a sortable list of all Instances by Database Breakouts in descending order.
Instances by Running Processes
This slicer displays a sortable list of all Instances by Counts in descending order.
Instances by Batch Requests
This slicer displays a sortable list of all Instances with Avg and Max values in descending order.
### Health Scores
The Host Health, Database Health, and Resource Health cards combine individual performance measurements to assign a color-coded scores that indicates the “health” of the resources, a follows:

Status Description Score
Optimal No signs of resource or capacity pressure 75-100 No action required
Caution Signs of minor resource pressure which can impact the server or application workload 60-74 No action required, but should be monitored closely
Danger Signs of major resource pressure which is significantly impacting the server or application workload 0-59 Research should be done to reduce the latency or usage of the resource

Host Health

This card provides the Health Scores for the Hosts being monitored by Health Status. The total number is displayed in the card header and indicates that there are multiple Instances for single Hosts. The average percentage during the current date range is compared to the prior period.

  • To view the individual scores of each Host at that status, click the row.
  • Click the 3-DOT icon to display the comparisons in full screen format. To display a single, selected Host only, click the Host name and select the expand filter (expand/collapse/copy). The dashboard displays will reflect this selection.
  • See the Health Scores section for more information on performance measurements.

Database Health

This card provides the Health Scores for the Databases being monitored by Health Status. The total number is displayed in the card header. The average percentage during the current date range is compared to the prior period.

  • To view the individual scores of each Database at that status, click the row.
  • Click the 3-DOT icon to display the comparisons in full screen format. To examine a single, selected Instance only, click the Instance name and select the expand filter (expand/collapse/copy). The dashboard displays will reflect this selection.
  • See the Health Scores section for more information on performance measurements.

Resource Health

This card lists the CPU, Storage, and Memory Health Scores for the Hosts being monitored. The total number is displayed in the card header. The combination of CPU, Storage, and Memory scores determines the overall Resource Health Score.

  • To view the individual CPU, Storage, and Memory resource scores for each Host, click the row. A sortable list of Hosts and Scores is displayed in a pop-up.
  • Click the 3-DOT icon to display the resource scores in full screen format. To examine a single, selected Host only, click the Host name and select the expand filter (expand/collapse/copy). The dashboard displays will reflect this selection.
  • See the Health Scores section for more information on performance measurements.

Overall Performance

The color-coded stacked lines of the Overall Performance histogram displays the Host Health, Database Health, Running Processes, and Batch Requests that fall within the specified range of time. The selected date range is displayed in the header of the Overall Performance card.
To examine the performance of individual elements of the system, the focus of the visual display can be changed, as follows:

  • Use the calendar widget to change the date range (default is last seven (7) days). The selected range is displayed on the card tool bar.
  • Use the time widget to change the time interval displayed (Auto is one (1) hour).
  • Use the slide toggles to filter the display by hiding or showing the plot lines for Host Health, Database Health, Running Processes, and Batch Requests.
  • Use the Environment and Instance drop-down Filters to change the visualization. Depending on the filter(s) selected, the histogram will display the overall performance for that criteria.

Instance Health

This card groups results for Instance, Host Health, Running Processes, Batch Requests. Host Breakouts, Database Health, and Database Breakouts in a searchable table format with sortable columns, as follows:

  • The Instance column displays the names of installations of SQL Servers stored in the database environment during the specified range of time.
  • The Running Processes column displays all Instances currently active on the CPU during the specified range of time.
  • The Batch Requests column displays the number of SQL batches the SQL Server received during the specified range of time.
  • The Host Health column combines the averages of the CPU, Storage, and Memory resource scores.
  • The Host Breakouts column displays the number of times when resource performance has fallen below a pre-defined level at the time of collection (indicates possible pressure).
  • The Database Health column combines the averages of the Contention (total number of Blocking and Deadlock events), CPU, Storage, and Memory resource scores.
  • The Database Breakouts column displays the total combined number of Caution and Danger alerts at the time of collection (indicates possible pressure).

The Hover the cursor over the column headings to sort the list in ascending or descending order.
To view the Host Resource and Database Resource Scores for a particular Instance, click the arrow [>] to the left of the row. Resource details are displayed by:
Host Health Resource
The Health Scores for each Resource being tracked:

  • CPU
  • Storage
  • Memory

Are displayed for that Instance by:

  • Host (where the Instance resides)
  • Breakouts (resource performance below a pre-defined level)
  • %Breakouts (percentage of total number of possible breakouts)
    Database Resource Score

The Database Scores for each Resource being tracked:

  • Contention (Blocking and Deadlocks)
  • CPU
  • Storage
  • Memory

Are displayed for that Instance by:

  • Host (where the Instance resides)
  • Breakouts (resource performance below a pre-defined level)
  • %Breakouts (percentage of total number of possible breakouts)

Resource Health data can be further focused by using the Group By drop-down menu, as follows:
By Time Frame:
Displays a sortable list of the overall Host and Database Health by Time Frames. Use the Chart Interval widget to further focus the Time Frames.

  • The Host Health, Running Processes, Batch Requests. Host Breakouts, Database Health, and Database Breakouts are displayed for each time range.
  • To examine the specifics for a particular Instance, click the arrow [>] to the left of the row to select. The Host Resource Scores and Database Resource Scores for only that Instance will be listed by Resource, Health, Breakouts, % of Breakouts.
  • To filter the displays to show only that Time Frame, click the [d] arrow to the right of the Time Frame field and click the Expand icon. To return the displays to the default results, click the Collapse icon or the RESET button.

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