  • 12 Dec 2023
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Article summary

The Teams screen provides information related to all WISdom users for the account.
The page will display a table containing various information for each user that has been added to the team in WISdom. The title bar above the table displays the total Team Members. (see image below for an example)

The data consists of information related to the Team Members added to the account. The columns are:

  • Name - The name of Team member.
  • Role - The assigned Account Role (Billing Contact, Primary Contact, Secondary Contact).
  • Profile - The user role assigned to that Team Member (Administrator, Regular User, MSP Administrator).
    • Not all profile options are available for all accounts.
  • Title - The work or business designation of the user.
  • Status - The current status of the Team Member (Active, Invite Sent, Not Invited, Deactivated).
  • Last Login - The date and time of the Team Member’s last login, if available.

All columns are sortable (click on the column name to sort) and searchable (click on the magnifying glass and type the search criteria). Next to the search area is the Group By drop down, allowing the data to be grouped by Profile, Title, or Status.
To view or manage the accounts, there are multiple options. The name defined each account is a hyperlink that will display a flyout with the account details when it is clicked. At the end of an account row the three vertical dots may be used to display existing account management options defined below in the Managing an Existing Account section.
When adding team members to the account see the Adding a new Account section below.

Adding a New Account


To add a new account to WISdom, click on the blue [+] button in the upper right corner of the screen. A popup will display where the information for the user account will be entered.

  • Required fields are indicated by a red asterisks and are the First Name, Last Name, Email, and Profile (default is Regular User).
  • Additional fields that are not required include: Title, Preferred Name, State, City, Time Zone, Office Phone, and Mobile Phone.
  1. Populate the required data, this activates the [Add User] button in the bottom righ corner, turning it blue.
  2. Once all information has been entered (both required and not required), click the [Add User] button.
  3. Clicking the button will
    1. Create the credentials in Okta
    2. Create the account in WISdom
    3. Send an email invite to the address provided for the account
    4. A message box will appear in the bottom right corner either stating success or an error if one is encounterd
    5. Once the account is successfully created, it will display in the Team Member section with the Status set to Invite Sent and the Last Login set to the date/time the invite was generated
  4. The new user will receive an email from Okta instructing them to use the provided link to access Okta and complete the setup of their account
    1. The link will be valid for 7 days
    2. If it expires before the account credentials are configured, the user will need to be Reinvited (see Reinvited section below).
  5. Once the new account user uses the link, they will be taken to an Okta page to create a password the account
  6. Next they will be asked to define their multi factor authentication (MFA) method(s).
  7. Once completed, they will be redirected to the page and be able to log into WISdom with their credntials.

If multiple users will be added, check the box for []Add another user in the bottom left corner of the popout before clicking the [Add User] button.

Each new account added will have an initial status of Invite Sent. This status will remain until the user has successfully activated their account or an administrator changes the account to Deactivated. If the account is removed via the Delete option, it will be removed from the Teams page.

  • Note: When an account is deleted, it will not be fully removed from the WISdom. If the an account is created with the same email address, it will encounter an error stating "Login: An object with this field already exists in the current organization". Please notify support to resolve this issue, or follow this link to create a ticket in the support system.

Managing an Existing Account

To manage an existing account, find the appropriate record in the Team Member table, go to the end of the row, and click the 3-Vertical Dot icon. A pop-up will display with options available for the selected account.
Note: The search function (magnifying glass in the upper right corner) may be used to limit the displayed accounts based on the search characters provided.

The following options may be available based on the current status of the account. The following is the description for each potential option.


Provides the abiltiy to edit the account information. The fields in the Personal Information and Location Information area may all be modified with the exception of Email. The email address cannot be updated for an account, the email is the identifier for an account. If the Email requires an update, a new account must be created with the new email address. The old account can be deactivated and possibly deleted. The Profile in the Role Information indicates the type of an account that has been assigned and determines the permissions the account will have. The two choices are a Regular User or an Administrator If the account is a Managed Service Provider (MSP) account, an additional option will be available, MSP Administrator.


When Invite is selected, a new invite email with a new link will be sent to the selected account, the account Status will be updated to Invite Sent, and the Last Login will be updated with the date/time stamp the new invite was sent. The new link is valid for 7 days after creation. If a user has not successfully validated their account and created their credentials before the link expires, an administrator will be required to choose the Re-Invite option (see next section).

Every time an invite with a link is sent to a user, all old links are no longer active and the Last Login will be updated with the update date/time. Only the newest link will be functional for a user to configure their credentials and MFA.


The Re-Invite option will send a new invite to a user, update the Status to Invite Sent, and update the Last Login with the current date/time stamp. Each new invite that is sent will generate a new activation link, invalidating previous activation links. The Re-Invite may be used for any account not in an deactivated status and has not activated their account. This functionality is beneficial if a user cannot find a previous emial invite or if the activation link has expired. The Re-Invite will not activate an account in a deactivated status.


This option will deactivate the chosen Team Member. The Status will be updated to to Deactivated and the Last Login field will be cleared. The Account details are not deleted from WISdom and may be reactivated via the Activate option.


Activate is an option for an account when all the required information has been entered. When selected, the account will be reactivated and a new invite will be sent to the account email. The Team Member will be required to create a new password as part of the activation process. If their MFA is not longer valid or not set up, they will be required to define the MFA method.


When the Delete option is chosen, the Team Member account will be removed from view in WISdom and the account will be deactivated. If an attempt to create a new account with the same email address, an error will display stating the account already exists. In this case, please open a support ticket to have the account reactivated.

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