  • 02 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

The Credentials page displays all credentials defined in WISdom, both the credentials for the Data Collectors Service account and secondary credentials created via this page. Secondary credentials may be created via the Add Credential feature or managed with the Edit Credential options.

The information is displayed in the Credentials table and contains the following columns :

  • Credentials Name - the default data collector service accounts are labeled as [Default] while created secondary credentials allows a customized name to be created
  • Username - the default data collector service accounts are labeled as [Collection Service Account], else it will dsiplay the account name provided for the credentials
  • Data Collector - always displays the data collector the credentials have been assigned

The data displayed may be refined with multiple methods.

  • A drop-down filter allows the display to be filtered by one or more data collectors
  • Each column may be sorted ascending or descending (the default sorting is by Credential Name ascending)
  • The search string entered into the search field (found in the upper right corner next to the blue plus sign ([+]) will be compared against the values in all the columns

Add Credential

To add a credential, click on the blue plus sign [+} in the upper right corner of the screen. This will open a flyout on the right side of the screen. All the fields are required and are as follows:

  • Name - This is a custom defined name to easily identify the credentials when assigning them to an instance
  • Data Collector - The data collector the credentials will be assigned
  • Authentication Method - The field is a drop-down list with the folowing choices:
    - Active Directory Integrated
    - Azure Active Directory Authentication
    - SQL Login
    - Windows Authentication
  • Username - The username that will be used for authentication
  • Password - The password for the username above
  • Confirm Password - Confirm the password

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