Availability Groups Module
  • 09 Nov 2023
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Availability Groups Module

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Article summary

Availabilty Groups

Availability Groups define a set of two (2) or more failover partners known as Availability Replicas. Each replica hosts a copy of the availability databases in the availability group. Every availability replica is assigned an initial role, either primary or secondary, which determines whether it hosts read-write databases (Primary) or read-only databases (Secondary).

Replicas are hosted on different servers and can be synchronized in two (2) modes (Asynchronous or Synchronous). The following cards display latency-specific information on the duplication of transactions for all Primary and Secondary Replicas on an ongoing basis.

  • Use the Environment, Instance, and Database drop-down Page Filters to change the visualization to reflect that criteria.
  • Use the calendar widget to change the date range (default is last seven (7) days). The selected range is displayed in the widget.

Primary Replica Latency

This card displays latency data by Instance for the Primary Replica.

  • Bytes Sent to Replica/sec. are displayed by Throughput and Instance with sortable columns. Click the row to display details for Replicas within that Throughput range.
  • Log Send Queue counter displays the number of log records in the primary database (in kilobytes) that have not yet been sent to the secondary replica by Instance in sortable columns. This value is sent to the secondary replica from the primary replica. Click the row to display scores for Replicas within that Throughput range.

Hover the cursor over the column headings to sort the list in ascending or descending order.

Secondary Replica Latency

This card displays latency data by Instance for the Secondary Replica.

  • Redone Bytes/sec. are displayed by Throughput and Instance with sortable columns. Click the row to display details for Replicas within that Throughput range.
  • Redo Queue Latency counter displays the number of log records in the secondary replica, by Throughput and Instance with sortable columns, that have not been redone . Click the row to display scores for Instances within that Throughput range.

Hover the cursor over the column headings to sort the list in ascending or descending order.

Primary Replicas

The Primary Replica makes the primary databases available for read-write connections and sends the transaction log records of each primary database to every secondary database. Data is synchronized at the database level. This card displays information from the SQL Server that is stored in DVMs.
Results are grouped in a searchable table format with sortable columns, as follows:

  • The Host column displays a color-coded Health Score icon indicating the general status of the host where the Replica resides.
  • The Instance column displays the name of the Replica. Each instance can be used for multiple Availability Groups.
  • The Database column displays the name of the Database within the Availability Group where the Replica resides.
  • The Availability Groups column displays all Availability Replicas. Each Availability Replica hosts a copy of the availability databases in the Availability Group.
  • The Availability Mode column displays the mode of data synchronization for the Primary Replica and determines whether the primary replica waits to commit transactions on a database until a given secondary replica has written the transaction log records to disk (hardened the log).
  • The Replica Health Score column displays information from the SQL server on the status of the Replica. Click the score to see
  • The Unhealthy Databases column displays scores (Optimal, Healthy, Unhealthy) determined by internal analytics.
  • The Ave. MB Sent to Replica column displays the average rate at which the Primary Replica Instance sent data during the collection range, in kilobytes/second.
  • The Failover column displays transitions of Secondary Replicas to the primary role (and former Primary Replicas to the secondary role) within the selected time range.
  • The Last Updated column displays the time of the last collection from that server.

Hover the cursor over the column headings to sort the list in ascending or descending order.

Secondary Replicas

Secondary Replicas are always read-only. This card lists all non-primary Replicas in a searchable table format with sortable columns, as follows:

  • The Host column displays a color-coded health score icon indicating the general status of the host where the Replica resides.
  • The Instance column displays the name of the Replica. Each instance can be used for multiple Availability Groups.
  • The Database column displays the name of the Database within the Availability Group where the Replica resides.
  • The Availability Groups column displays all Availability Replicas. Each Availability Replica hosts a copy of the availability databases in the Availability Group.
  • The Availability Mode column displays the mode of data synchronization for the Primary Replica and determines whether the primary replica waits to commit transactions on a database until a given secondary replica has written the transaction log records to disk (hardened the log).
  • The Replica Health Score column displays information from the SQL server on the status of the Replica.
  • The Unhealthy Databases column displays scores (Optimal, Healthy, Unhealthy) determined by internal analytics.
  • The Ave. MB Received from Replica column displays the average rate at which the Primary Replica Instance sent data during the collection range, in kilobytes/minute.
  • The Failover column displays transitions of Secondary Replicas to the primary role (and former Primary Replicas to the secondary role).
  • The Last Updated column displays the time of the last collection from that server.

Hover the cursor over the column headings to sort the list in ascending or descending order.
Each transaction is consistently and accurately replicated.

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