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WISdom Overview
The data collection for WISdom is an agentless service that allows the collection of system data, metadata, and runtime data from each monitored target. WISdom leverages resources in Amazon Web Services (AWS) to securely transfer and store the system data. The data is secured during the transfer and at rest at which time it is processed by the WISdom service.
The WISdom service runs locally on virtual machines (VM) to securely monitor and collect data from the servers under management. The WISdom application will add and update the list of servers to be monitored and act as the ingestion point for your environment’s database statistics. WISdom utilizes PowerShell to upload any updated configuration information and ingested data to the S3 client bucket. The S3 client bucket is dedicated to each client and serves as the central storage point for Fortified monitoring servers. The S3 client bucket is encrypted with a dedicated key provided by Fortified.
Download the WISdom Installation Requirements document here.
Or visit the WISdom Prerequisites page.