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  • 30 Jan 2023
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Article summary

This card groups result-sets for Counts, Wait Time , CPU, and Logical Reads in a searchable table format with sortable columns that can be grouped by Instance, Database, and SQL Statement.
• Hover the cursor over the column headings to sort the list in ascending or descending order.
Database performance on the code level can be further examined by using the Group By drop-down menu, as follows:

By Instance:

Displays a sortable list by Instance of the Counts, Wait Time , CPU, and Logical Reads resource metrics.
• To examine the resource metrics for a particular Instance, click the arrow [>] to the left of the row to select. The resource metrics for only that Instance will be listed by Database and SQL Statement.

To view the performance metrics for any of the databases listed, c lick on the row to display the Statement Details pop-up. See the Statement Detail section for more information.

By Database:

Displays a sortable list by Database of the Counts, Wait Time , CPU, and Logical Reads resource metrics.

  • To examine the resource metrics for a particular Instance of a database, click on the arrow [>] to the left of the row to select. The resource metrics for only that Instance will be listed by Database and SQL Statement.
    To view the performance metrics for any of the databases listed, c lick on the row to display the Statement Details pop-up. See the Statement Detail section for more information.

By SQL Statement:

Display a list of SQL Statements grouped across all database servers by Counts, Wait Time, CPU, and Logical Reads resource metrics.

  • Hover the cursor over the column headings to sort the list in ascending or descending order.
  • To view a list of the Instances using a particular SQL Statement, click on the arrow [>] to the left of the row to select. The resource metrics for those Instances will be listed by Instance and Database.
    To display additional information about the SQL Statement, click the row in the Instances list to display the corresponding Statement Details flyout.

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