  • 24 May 2024
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Article summary

The Home screen is the landing page upon logging in to WISdom. This screen allows the user to easily check on the health of the environment or select systems. The data displayed in the 5 sections of the Overview module will use the 7 days of data defined as the prior 7 days from the date selected in the date picker.

Workload Analytics consists of unique, health scoring system displaying 4 scores, Performance, Efficiency, Capacity, and Resource, on a scale of 0 to 100. These 4 scores are immediately on display upon logging in to WISdom, providing a quick snapshot of the overall
The Operational Analytics provide additional data, quickly highlighting areas potentially impacting the workload scores.
Top Statements provides a list of the top 20 statements ordered by CPU (descending). This displays the statements that have consumed the most amount of CPU cycles in the 7 days selected.
Events will display any events recorded during the selected 7 days. An event could be an anomoly or a defined alert.
Workload Summary provides high level information related to Host(s) and Instance(s) broken out into 3 tabs, Host Health, Database Health, and Database Metrics.
All of this information is filterable by Environment, Tiers of Service, and/or Instance.


Workload Analytics

Gauge charts are used to provide visual representations of the Health score in the four areas, Performance, Efficiency, Capacity, and Resource. The proprietary scores are calculated using advanced analytics and algorithms and displayed as 0 to 100, with 100 being the best.
Each of the 4 cards displayed have a hyperlink (the [>] in the top right corner) to their perspective area of WISdom. The informational icon (the (i) within a circle) will dipslay a popup containing information related to the scoring system. The percentage change of the selected 7 days vs the previous 7 day timerange will display at the bottom of each card.


The Performance score is based on how quickly queries are running on the SQL server(s). The score is calculated based on the average run times of the queries,
with the benchmark for the scoring algorithm as 10ms (the lower the score the more queries that average greater than 10ms). The [>] hyperlink will take you to the Query Statistics section, which displays the data collected from the procedure and query stats DMVs (sys.dm_exec_query_stats and sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats).

Optimizing the code executed on the server(s) will decrease run times of queries and increase the Performance score. Optimizations can include, but are not limited to, updating statistics, tuning indexes, or rewriting queries and/or stored procedures.


The Efficiency score is based on the amount of data pages evaluated compared to the amount of data returned by the queries. The lower the efficiency score the higher the number of pages of data processed by the query vs the number of records return. The [>] hyperlink will take you to the Query Statistics section, which displays the data collected from the procedure and query stats DMVs (sys.dm_exec_query_stats and sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats).

Tuning the queries executed on the server(s) can decrease the amount of data a query will need to evaluate to return the requested records, thereby increasing the Efficiency score. Tuning can include, but is not limited to, updating statistics, tuning indexes, rewriting queries or stored procedures, and/or changing the predicate of a query.


The Capacity score is based on the same information as shown in the Capacity Planning section of the Hosts module. The score uses the information related to Oversized, Undersized, and Optimal recommendations for the resources on a Host. Both Oversizing and Undersizing have a negative impact on the score as the focus of this score is right-sizing your Hosts for optimal efficiency and minimal costs. Use the [>] hyperlink to take you to the Hosts - Overview screen where the detailed information can be found related to right sizing servers.


The Resource score considers the resource utilization on the Hosts, Instances, and Databases in the environment. Lower scores indicate potential resource pressure accross the environment and/or servers. Use the [>] hyperlink to take you to the Resource Health screen. Here you can investigate which servers are impacting the score and which resources on specific servers are under pressure. The scoring takes into account the CPU, Memory, and Storage at both the Host and SQL Instance level with contention added to the SQL level.

Resource pressure may be impacted by settings and configuration changes at the Host, Instance, and/or Database level. Additionally increasing resources available on the target(s) can have a positive impact.

Operational Analytics

Displays data for the key performance indicators, Availability (percentage uptime), totals for Anomalies, Blocking, and Deadlocks, and a Data Protection score. The percentage change for the prior seven (7) days is displayed on the bottom of each card. Each of the 5 cards displayed have a hyperlink (the [>] in the top right corner) to their perspective area of WISdom.


The Availability percentage is based on the uptime of the servers defined by the chosen filter. Availability is defined by the collector successfully connecting to a target for its scheduled collection. Collections are scheduled as frequently as every 1 minute.


Anomalies are events that deviate from expected historical values. The total number of anomalies occurring within the seven (7) days prior to the current date (default), based on the chosen filter, are displayed.


Blocking occurs when one session holds a lock on a specific resource and a second Session ID (SPID) attempts to acquire a conflicting lock type on the same resource. The total number of blocks that occurred within the seven (7) days prior to the current date (default), based on the chosen filter, are displayed.


A deadlock occurs when 2 or more processes are competing for the same resources. Each process will obtain an exclusive lock on different resources, but neither can obtain exclusive access on the other resource. This results in a deadlock, and the SQL engine will kill one of the processes. The total displayed is the number of deadlocks that occurred within the seven (7) days prior to the current date (default), based on the chosen filter.

Data Protection

Data protection displays a score on a scale of 0 – 100. The score is based on how recently the databases defined by the chosen filter have been backed up. The scoring algorithm considers the seven (7) days prior to the chosen date, based on the recovery model and how recently the appropriate backup (full and/or log) was taken. The longer a database or log file is without a backup, the greater the impact on lowering the score.

Top Statements

Displays a list of 5 statements with the highest accumulated CPU Time across all instances as defined by the filter. The table includes the Statement, CPU (total CPU time), and Reads (total # of reads) columns with the CPU and Reads displaying the accumulated totals sorted by CPU descending for the previous 7 days from the selected date. The table will display 20 statements, 5 statements on each of 4 pages.


Displays a list of configured Alerts and/or Events that have occurred in the previous 7 days from the selected date. Each record is a single event that was recorded. The table contains the columns, Server, Event Type, and Description.

Workload Summary

The Workload Summary provides detailed data related to health and throughput of individual Hosts and Instances. The table valued data can be sorted and/or filtered to quickly provide corroborating information to the scores above and direction for the next step of investigation into the system health. This data has been split into three tabs displayed in the top left area of this card, Host Health, Database Health, and Database Metrics. Clicking on the perspective tab will display the corresponding data in a table format. The information is based on the 7 days prior to the selected date filter.

       • Click on any of the column headers to sort the data in ascending or descending order.
       • Use the search icon (magnifying glass) to further filter the results by key words. The Host or Instance columns provide the most value for filtering.
       • Click the Three-dot icon to export the data to Excel or display the data in a separate full screen window for the chosen tab.
                • The pop-out display may be sorted by clicking on a column header.
                • If a new tab is chosen in the pop-out, the pop-out will close, displaying the chosen tab on the Workload Summary main screen. Which can then be displayed in a pop-out via the Three-dot icon.
       • Click on the Rows per page: 10 (bottom left corner) to alter the number of rows displayed on the page.
       • Navigate between pages with the arrows and page numbers (bottom right corner).

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