Resource Health Scores
  • 20 Nov 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Resource Health Scores

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Article summary

The Health Scores presented in the Resource Health screen are part of the scores used to calculate the health scores presented in the Overview landing page in WISdom.

The top scores are divided into the Host Health, Database Health, and Resource Health. These scores are an aggregation of all the servers selected via the drop-down filters, allowing for the selection of subsets of servers in the environment.
The complimentary graph below the scores display the scores over the time range selected(range is limited to the previous 6 months from the current date). The Batch Request/sec and the number of transactions during the aggregate are also displayed on the graph.
The scores and Batch Requests/sec are averaged by the aggragation while the transactions are summed by the aggregation. The plots display on the end time of the aggregation chosen and choices are based on the size of the time range, varying from 1 minute up to 1 day.

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