Details - Databases
  • 06 Oct 2023
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Details - Databases

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Article summary

Displays configuration, space used, growth, and transactional information about a single Instance and Database.
When prompted, select an Instance and a Database from the drop-down filters. For reference, these selections will be displayed at the top of the screen.

  • If an Instance and Database has been selected on the Overview screen, those filters will persist on the Details screen. Use the drop-downs to change or further filter the list by Environment, Instance, and Database.


Displays an overview of Database properties, performance, space utilization, tables, and annual growth of the data and transaction log files for the selected Instance.

Database Properties

Displays information in a table format about the Properties of the selected Database and the Value (status) of corresponding Features.
• Click the Three-dot icon to export the data to Excel or display the data in a separate window. The pop-out display may be sorted by clicking on a column header. Performance by Instance
Displays the Memory Usage by size, IO Usage by percentage, and CPU Usage by percentage for the selected database. Data Space Utilization
Displays information about the total allocated space, the amount of free space, and information for both the data and transaction log file space. The total Allocated Space is display in the center of the gauge chart. The amount of allocated Space, amount of Free space, and the total amount of Space Reserved (allocated) for both the data and log file(s) are also displayed along with the Percentage of Free and Used Space.
• The color-coded gauge chart compares the distribution of reserved space by percentage for both the Data and Transaction Log files. The outer ring represents the total available Data Space Reserved while the coloring displays the percentage used. The inner ring shows the same information for the TLOG Space Reserved.
• Hover the pointer over a colored line in the gauge chart to display the Used Percentage in the center of the gauge from Data to TLOG percentages.
• Click on the Reserve Space (either Data or TLOG) to display a pop-up that lists the Total and Used percentage of Space by database file. Tables by Record Count
Displays the number of tables in the following predefined ranges of record counts:
• 1-1Million, 1M-500M, 500M-1B, 1B-10B, and 10B+.
The color-coded gauge chart displays the total number of Tables in the center of the gauge. The distribution by record count for each level is compared in the ring using colors that correspond to the Table totals.
• Click on the row to display a pop-up that contains the Table Name, Size, and Record Count for each table in that range.
• Click the Three-dot icon to export the data to Excel or display the data in a separate window. The pop-out display may be sorted by clicking on a column header. Annual Data Growth
Displays a visual representation of the total amount of Space Allocated (both data and transaction log files) to the Database specified in the drop-down filter(s). The total percentage of Growth appears in the lower left corner of the card. Allocated space measurements are made on the last day of the month. The line graph shows these measurements for up to the past 12 months or starting with the first month the target was monitored.
• The color-coded line chart displays the Allocated space for the database. Hover the cursor over the lines to display discrete values by month.
• Click the Three-dot icon to export the data to Excel or display the chart in a separate window. In the pop-out, hover the cursor over the lines to display discrete values by month. Annual Transaction/sec Growth
Displays the average Transactions per second per month as calculated on the last day of each month. Additional information displayed below the line graph includes the 12 month total percentage in Growth in Average Transactions per second , the average Growth percentage month to month, and the Maximum Growth percentage between two (2) months.
• The color-coded line chart plots the average Transactions/sec over time. Hover the cursor over the lines to display discrete values by date.
• Click the Three-dot icon to export the data to Excel or display the chart in a separate window. In the pop-out, hover the cursor over the lines to display discrete values for Growth by date and transactions/sec.

Resource Statistics

Provides an overview in a sortable table format of resource utilization for the Instance and Database selected in the drop-down filters. These Resource Statistics include size, row, and index usage information, and database file space utilization for top SQL Statements.

Top Statements

Displays the top SQL statements a sortable table format by the descending percentage of Reads (default) for the selected Database, as follows. To sort the data, click on the column header.
• The %Reads column displays
• The %CPU column displays
• The %Duration column indicates
• The %Executions column indicates
• The Object Name column indicates
• The SQL Statement column displays
To view the full SQL Statement in a flyout, click on the partial statement in the SQL Statement column. To Copy the full statement, click the Clip-Board Icon in the upper right corner of the flyout.
• To display more rows in the table, click on Rows per page and select a number. The default is five (5) rows.
• Click the Three-dot icon to export the data to Excel or display the data in a separate window. The new display can be sorted by clicking on a column header. Database Files
Displays a table listing all the database files (data and log) for the selected database, along with the file path and size information, as follows. To sort the data, click on the column header.
• The Database column displays name of the database selected from the drop-down filter.
• The Path column displays the path of the database file.
• The Max Size column displays the size allotted as defined in the file properties for the SQL Server.
• The Growth Rate column displays the growth within the time range (default is prior seven (7) days).
• The File Size column displays the size of the database file.
• The Used column displays the percentage of the database used.
To display more rows in the table, click on Rows per page and select a number. The default is five (5) rows.
• Click the Three-dot icon to export the data to excel or display the data in a separate window. The pop-out display may be sorted by clicking on a column header. Top Tables
Displays a list of all Tables in the Database selected in the drop-down filter or on a previous screen, as follows. By default, the Tables are listed in descending order by the number of rows. To sort the data, click on the column header.
• The Table column displays name of the Table.
• The Size column displays the size of the Database table.
• The Rows column displays the number of rows in that Table.
• The Total Index Usage column displays
• The Monthly Growth column displays
To display more rows in the table, click on Rows per page and select a number. The default is five (5) rows.
• Click the Three-dot icon to export the data to excel or display the data in a separate window. The pop-out display may be sorted by clicking on a column header.

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