  • 09 Nov 2023
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Article summary

These cards display statistic details and provide throughput metrics for a single Instance. View the details for a previously selected Instance, or when prompted, select a specific Instance from the Instance drop-down list. The selected Instance name and current date will be displayed.

  • Use the drop-down menus to further filter the list by Environment, Database, Login Name, Program, and Wait Type.

Activity Details

This cards displays the result counts and their aggregate values or subsets at the time of collection for a single Instance in a table format with sortable columns, as follows:

  • The Date Range column displays the times covered during data collection. Data is collected by the minute for the current 24-hour day and is displayed by row in three (3) hour increments for the selected Instance. Click the calendar widget to change to a previous date.
    To breakdown each three (3) hour increment further, click the Date Range field for that row. The range can be decreased to one (1) hour, 15-minute, 5 minute and one (1) minute intervals.
    The specified interval range is displayed in the Instance identifier line above the table. To restore previous intervals, click the respective link.
  • The Result Count column displays the number of queries that ran during the selected time interval.
  • The Unique Statements column displays the number of distinct blocking chains that occurred the most during the specified interval.
    Rather than just looking at individual events, these distinct blocking chains (“strains”) are aggregated. To return the SQL Statements in a blocking chain, data is collected from Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) and system tables.
    Note: Depending on the collection method from the system tables, some SQL Statements may not be available at a server level at the time of collection and will appear at the database level as orphaned SQL Statements.
  • The Parallel Threads column displays the number of threads active on the CPU during the selected time interval. Parallel queries can use more CPU time than actual elapsed time and, due to blocking, the elapsed time may be longer than the total amount of CPU time.
  • The Blocked By column displays the number of queries that were blocked during the selected time interval by Blocking ID.
  • The Logical Reads column displays the accumulated number of reads per Session ID and is used for evaluating query and batch I/O performance when an SQL Server reads data from the memory.
  • The CPU column displays the duration for a query to complete execution.
  • The Unique Wait Times column displays the amount of time that the Unique Statements identified took to complete operations.
  • The Total Wait Time column displays the time it took for a database to complete operations within the specified time interval. Bottlenecks are identified by tracking I/O and buffer operations and locks waiting to be released.

Note: Hover the cursor over the column headings to sort the list in ascending or descending order.

View Details Flyout

This cards provides three (3) ways to further examine the Result Counts for a specific time interval, as follows:

  • Resources
  • Wait Statistics
  • Applications

See the following sections for more information on viewing Result Count details.
By default, Resource data aggregated from the Result Counts at the time of collection for a single Instance is grouped in a table format with sortable columns, as follows:

  • The Time column displays the collection time in one (1) minute intervals.
  • The Session ID (SPID) column displays the database connection IDs for each (single logged-on) session in the DMVs.
  • The Runtime column displays the actual amount of time a query spent in a running state on the CPU.
  • The Database column displays the name of the database where the resource resides.
  • The Status column displays the current state of the transactions at the time of collection on the CPU.
    • Some possible statuses are:
      • Runnable – in queue waiting for its turn on the CPU
      • Running – currently active on the CPU
      • Suspended – waiting on some resource to complete execution
      • Rollback - a specific transaction or transaction set has been canceled, any changes made have been undone, and the database has been restored to a previous state
  • The Blocked by column displays the number of queries that were blocked during the selected time interval by Blocking ID.
  • The Parallel Threads column displays the number of threads active on the CPU during the selected time interval. Parallel queries can use more CPU time than actual elapsed time and, due to blocking, the elapsed time may be longer than the total amount of CPU time.
  • The CPU column displays the duration for a query to complete execution.
  • The Logical Reads column displays the accumulated number of reads per Session ID and is used for evaluating query and batch I/O performance when an SQL Server reads data from the memory.
  • The SQL Statement column displays the corresponding SQL Statement, which can be copied and exported.

Note: Hover the cursor over the column headings to sort the list in ascending or descending order.

Group By

This data on Resources be further examined by using the Group By drop-down menu, as follows:
By Database:
Displays a sortable list by Database, Runtime, Parallel Threads, CPU, Logical Reads.

  • Click the arrow [>] to the left of the row to see details for a specific database by Time, Session ID, Runtime, Status, Blocked by, Parallel Threads, and SQL Statement.
    #### Status
    Displays a sortable list by Runtime, Parallel Threads, CPU, Logical Reads.
  • Click the arrow [>] to the left of the row to see details for a specific status by Time, Session ID, Runtime, Status, Blocked by, Parallel Threads, and SQL Statement.
    By SQL Statement:
    Displays a sortable list by SQL Statement, Runtime, Parallel Threads, CPU, Logical Reads.
  • Click the arrow [>] to the left of the row to see details for a specific SQL Statement by Time, Session ID, Runtime, Database, Status, Blocked by, Parallel Threads, CPU, and Logical Reads.

Wait Statistics

By default, Wait Statistics subsets aggregated from the Result Counts at the time of collection for a single Instance are grouped in a table format with sortable columns, as follows:

  • The Time column displays the collection duration in one (1) minute intervals.
  • The Runtime column displays the amount of time a query spent in a running state on the CPU.
  • The Database column displays the name of the database where the resource resides.
  • The Status column displays the current state of the transactions at the time of collection on the CPU.
    • Some possible statuses are:
      • Runnable – in queue waiting for its turn on the CPU
      • Running – currently active on the CPU
      • Suspended – waiting on some resource to complete execution
      • Rollback - a specific transaction or transaction set has been canceled, any changes made have been undone, and the database has been restored to a previous state
  • The Wait Type column displays the wait performed to execute the task created by SQL Server.
  • The Wait Time column displays how much time the database spent actually completing operations.
  • The SQL Statement column displays the corresponding SQL Statement, which can be copied and exported.

Note: Hover the cursor over the column headings to sort the list in ascending or descending order.

This data on Wait Statistics can be further examined by using the Group By drop-down menu, as follows:


Displays a sortable list by Database, Runtime, and Wait Time.

  • Click the arrow [>] to the left of the row to display Database information further by Time, Session ID, Runtime, Wait Type, Wait Resource, Wait Time, and SQL Statement
    By Status:
    Displays a sortable list by Status, Runtime, and Wait Time.
  • Click the arrow [>] to the left of the row to display Database information further by Time, Session ID, Runtime, Database, Wait Type, Wait Resource, Wait Time, and SQL Statement.
    By Wait Resource:

Displays a sortable list by Status, Runtime, and Wait Time.

  • Click the arrow [>] to the left of the row to display Database information further by Time, Session ID, Runtime, Database, Status, Wait Type, Wait Time, and SQL Statement.

SQL Statement:

Displays a sortable list by SQL Statement, Runtime, and Wait Time.

  • Click the arrow [>] to the left of the row to see details for a specific status by Time, Session ID, Runtime, Database, Status, Wait Type, Wait Resource, and Wait Time.

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